Buying a car with second hand registration. How to buy and register a used car correctly

Buying a used vehicle is one of the most common procedures today.

Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a new car ex-showroom, but on the secondary market you can find a good option, both in terms of cost and car characteristics (mileage, make, etc.).

The big advantage of such a purchase is that you do not have to pay for salon services.

At the same time, buying a car second-hand is a troublesome task, especially for those who are doing it for the first time. Such a transaction carries a certain risk for the buyer.

So, how to buy a car from someone else and not make a mistake? What should you pay attention to?

The main risk of buying a used car is encountering scammers and scammers. Dealers of easy money often sell stolen cars, cars involved in road accidents, etc.

That is why, when buying a used car, first of all, pay close attention to the documentation available from the seller.

There are also merchants who, even before signing a contract, demand an advance payment from the buyer, and then for some reason break the deal. The result of such an undertaking can be disastrous: the buyer will be left without a vehicle and without an advance payment.

The very low price should also alert you. Believe me, there is definitely a reason for this. Perhaps the seller does not have documents for the vehicle, or they want to sell you a stolen, damaged car.

True, sometimes there are exceptions when the seller reduces the price in order to speed up the sale of the car.

Gullible buyers often purchase cars from a seller who acts by proxy, without checking the document confirming his authority.

And in vain: any documents must be carefully checked. Pay special attention to the validity period of all documents and do not forget to look at your passport details.

At any moment, the real owner of the vehicle can show up and claim his right to the car. The deceived buyer will have to prove his case in court.

Do not agree to indicate a lesser amount in the purchase and sale agreement. If the judge declares the transaction invalid, the buyer will be returned the amount specified in the official contract.

Buying a used car is a serious procedure that is carried out according to certain rules:

  1. A used car transaction should only be completed under a purchase and sale agreement. Do not purchase a car using a general power of attorney, as it can be easily revoked, and then you will be left without money and without a vehicle.
  2. The key condition for completing the transaction is that the person selling the car has a complete set of documentation. It is this fact that confirms the seller’s honesty.
  1. Car passport. If there is no title, or the seller only has a duplicate, then perhaps this vehicle is mortgaged and cannot be sold. Having bought such a car, be prepared for the fact that in the future the bank will be able to take it away for the debts of the former owner. When drawing up a contract, pay attention to the contents of the PTS (the information must match the characteristics of the vehicle).
  2. Contract of sale. This document is drawn up in 2 copies and must include the signatures of both parties to the transaction. One copy remains with the buyer, the second - with the seller.

Some companies offer intermediary services for transactions involving the selection and purchase of cars. But you will have to pay for these services. Why waste extra money when you can go through all the stages of the procedure yourself?

Video: Buying a Used Car - “For Dummies”

How to buy a car safely? To do this, follow the procedure given below:

Buying a used car requires mandatory inspection. If you understand cars and don’t want to run through authorities, then do your own check. How exactly to do this?

We offer a number of steps for those who like to “dig” into cars:

If after such a thorough examination your decision has not changed, proceed with the transaction.

To complete a purchase and sale transaction in accordance with all the rules and laws, you need to contact a notary. What documents will both parties to the transaction need:

If you purchase a used foreign car, then the main list is accompanied by:

  • a document confirming the legal import of the vehicle into the country;
  • papers confirming previous sales;
  • documents issued by customs;
  • Vehicle title;
  • registration certificate (if it indicates a temporary registration, then this car will need to be taken abroad or have a permanent registration issued).

If you have all the necessary documents, the notary will certify the deed of sale and purchase of the car.

The purchase and sale agreement contains the following information:

  • data of individuals;
  • technical data of the car (make, VIN, model, year of manufacture, engine numbers, body, chassis);
  • PTS data (number, series, date of issue).

In addition to the contract, it is advisable to have a notary draw up and certify a receipt indicating that the former owner has received a sum of money in the amount of the full cost of the car.

It’s better to play it safe, check everything properly, use the services of a notary and be calm about your property.

And now you are the legal owner of a used car, and the previous owner will not be able to return the car, citing the illegality of the transaction.

One more thing: license plates

The previous owner has the right to keep the license plates of the vehicle in order to install them on a new car later.

For this purpose, he writes an application to the traffic police, and they will give him the numbers only after the car is re-registered and new numbers are assigned to it.

If the previous owner does not mind, then the buyer has the right to keep the old numbers by registering them in his name.

The duty in this case will be less than for replacement.

The first step is to insure your vehicle. OSAGO, CASCO policies – everything is of your choice.

Please only take the following documents with you:

In addition, you will need to write an application to register the car and present a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

Re-registration of the car to the new owner must be carried out within 10 days from the date of purchase. In case of any evasion of this procedure, the new owner will pay a fine.

Returning a car some time after purchase is not easy. First, carefully read the contract again.

The point that you inspected the vehicle upon purchase and have no complaints about its technical condition will cancel out your plans. This record means that the transaction was carried out fairly from the point of view of the law, even if the seller sold you a car without wheels and a motor.

The second obstacle to returning the car may be its accurate description with the defects and breakdowns you have identified.

It will not be possible to return the car to the former owner, and you will not be able to return your money, even if the agreement contains a reference to the report received from the expert service.

If the contract does not contain the specified clauses, then returning the car to the former owner is quite possible. How to “crank this out”?

First, make an appointment with the former owner of the car and calmly explain your circumstances to him.. Sometimes people agree to a return, not wanting further problems and hassle.

But you shouldn’t hope too much for such easy consent. The seller's reasons for refusal may vary, but most often the former owner argues that the money has already been spent.

If refused, the problem will have to be resolved in court.. You will need to prove that the car malfunctions arose before the transaction was completed.

If there are no supporting documents, then you will have to conduct a paid examination of the car. With an expert's opinion and a written complaint, go to the person who sold you the car.

Here you will need to use a registered letter with notification: there is no other way to obtain evidence of familiarization with the document. Next, you should wait 2 weeks and then go to court to file a civil claim against the former owner of the used car.

Even if you use the services of an experienced lawyer, the litigation will last at least six months. And if the defendant actively persists, the process can last several years. So don't expect a quick refund.

Full compensation is possible only in two cases:

  1. A used car has irreparable defects.
  2. The cost of troubleshooting is disproportionate to the economic benefit received by the new owner.

If the car was purchased with minor defects hidden by the seller, then the buyer has the right to compensation equal to the cost of repair work, but not to terminate the contract.

You can’t do this without a good lawyer either. In addition, it will be necessary to prove that the damage was hidden by the seller. To do this, you will have to collect a number of documents and attract witnesses who will prove the buyer’s innocence in the breakdown of a used car.

In general, there is a lot of hassle. Whether this red tape is worth starting is up to you to decide.

As you can see, buying a used car is a very serious and responsible matter. But you can cope with this task if you adhere to the recommendations presented above in the article. Don't rush into purchasing and don't let scammers deceive you.

Over the period of 2017, the number of purchased used cars in the Russian Federation increased by 11%. Such data is contained in statistical studies for a specified period of time. This year, the number of cars purchased second-hand continues to increase. This interest of citizens in the used car market is due to the fact that the cost of a used car is much less than a new car in a car dealership. Accordingly, you can buy a popular car model for less money. However, people should understand that a deal to buy a car on the secondary market may have some pitfalls. Below we will discuss the procedure for completing a transaction to buy a car second-hand.

Risks of purchasing a used car

Often on the secondary car market, sellers try to find a new owner for problematic cars, for example:

  1. Damaged cars.
  2. Vehicles listed as stolen.
  3. Car with problems in documents.
  4. Cars that are part of a collateral transaction.

Another common way to deceive buyers when buying a used car is to require sellers to make an advance payment. To protect yourself from dishonest citizens, you should refrain from transferring money until the contract is concluded. If the car is not registered to the seller, then it is worth thoroughly checking the terms of the power of attorney and passport details of the person who is selling the car.

How to buy a car second hand?

In an ideal situation, funds for the car are transferred to the seller only after all documents are completed.

Briefly, the algorithm for the ideal purchase of a used car is as follows:

  1. Search for the required car model.
  2. Checking the car against existing databases for prohibited registration, being in collateral, as well as criminal history.
  3. Evaluation of the purchase during a conversation with the seller, checking documents.
  4. Inspection of the technical condition of the vehicle. Sales.
  5. Concluding a purchase and sale agreement and registering ownership of the car with the traffic police.
  6. Transfer of money.

But this is ideal, but in reality, as a rule, the above 5 and 6 points are swapped. That is, the new owner pays the seller and then goes to the traffic police to register the car. Only here will the new car owner be able to make sure that the car is not subject to a registration ban. This sequence is one of the most common.

And there is nothing wrong with it, because the purchase and sale agreement contains a clause that states the absence of these encumbrances. However, if the car is subject to various kinds of prohibitions and restrictions and the new owner finds out about this only at the traffic police after registering the car, then he will face a lengthy process of returning the money.

A detailed discussion of the procedure for purchasing a used car

Step 1 - search for a car

If a person already has an idea of ​​what model and what characteristics of the vehicle he needs, then he can begin to search for suitable options. Fortunately, today you don’t need to get up in the middle of the night and go to the neighboring large city in search of a better option. The procedure for selecting used cars has been simplified thanks to the Internet. Even for a novice user of the World Wide Web, it will not be difficult to find a site that sells used cars.

To search for information about a car, you can use various forums where car owners conduct discussions about certain brands and modifications.

Step 2 - check the car

When a car has been selected, the future owner should check its legal purity. This stage of action includes checking the following aspects:

  1. The car has no criminal record.
  2. Presence of design changes.
  3. The vehicle is in collateral.
  4. There is a ban on registration actions.

Each of the listed points can be checked independently. However, this will not give a 100% guarantee.

To check a car's criminal history, it is best to contact professionals who have access to paid databases. However, the initial check can be carried out on your own.

To do this, use the official website of the traffic police. The future owner of the car will not even have to meet the seller in person. You just need to ask to send scans of the vehicle registration certificate, vehicle passport (PTS), as well as the VIN code and license plates.

During a check on the official traffic police website, a person can obtain all available data that is registered in the database. The result is provided in a single form.

Instructions for checking a car on the traffic police website

To begin, open the official traffic inspection portal on the page where vehicles are inspected.

Then enter the VIN code or chassis and body number of the car. To ensure reliable results, it is better to use wine.

The most important information for the buyer here will be information about the vehicle being wanted and the imposition of a registration ban on it.

A car may be wanted either because it was stolen, or for fleeing the scene of an accident, or for serious administrative violations. When a car is listed as stolen, the new owner will face big problems during registration with the traffic police. In addition, the car will have to be returned to the former owner. But no one will give a guarantee for the return of the money paid by the fraudster.

A registration ban is one of the most common problems that a new vehicle owner learns about after purchase.

It consists in the fact that the owner of the car must find out the reason for the ban and then solve it. Often, a ban on registration actions is imposed by bailiffs due to unpaid fines or other debt obligations of the seller.

The only way out is for the seller to repay the debt. To speed up the re-registration of the car, you can pay off the debts of the old owner yourself, and take a receipt from him.

Checking for collateral

Another important point will be checking the purchased used car for collateral at a banking institution.

It's important to understand, if at the time of buying a car from someone else, the new owner knew that it was pledged, then in the absence of payments from the old owner of the vehicle, the bank has the right to take away the right to own the purchased car from the new owner.

The key circumstance here is that the new owner of the car must know about the fact of the pledge. Such knowledge can be obtained on the official website of the Federal Notary Chamber.

If the car is listed on the specified resource as a collateral item, then the situation described above will arise.

Instructions for checking

To check whether the car you are purchasing is the subject of a pledge, on the pledge registry website, select the tab called “find in the registry.” Next, select the “vehicle” category and enter the VIN code.

Inspection of the technical condition of a used car and conversation with the seller

First of all, check the license plates. You will need documents for the car and the vehicle itself. To avoid punctures, you should never purchase a used car without such a check.

First, the number that is indicated in the PTS and STS is checked.

Next, you need to check if the VIN code on the car matches the numbers indicated in the documents. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the vehicle, the VIN code may be stamped or embossed on the side member, on one of the sills, on the left door pillar or under the floor mat. In addition, you will find a duplicate version of the VIN code in the lower left part of the windshield. There are other locations for the VIN number. Therefore, it is worth getting information about its location from the seller.

The number, as well as body or engine chassis numbers, must not contain unreadable characters, different fonts, differences in fastening, differences in varnish or paint color, or seams located next to the plates.

After verification, you can begin a conversation with the seller.

You can clarify points of interest about the car either in person or by phone. At this stage it is worth paying attention to the following points:

1. Is the person who sells the car its owner? If not, then find out the contact details of the real owner.

2. If the seller is the owner of the vehicle, then it is necessary to negotiate with him about the sale of the car. If the owner according to the documents is another citizen, then the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with the contacts of the person indicated by the owner in the PTS. By contacting this citizen, you can confirm the legality of the appearance of a third party in the sale of the car.

3. The details of the car owner must be checked using the official website of the FMS. To do this, you need to enter your passport number and series. If the document is not valid, the buyer should refrain from making a transaction with such a person. In the worst case scenario, the buyer’s car will be confiscated and the sales contract will be cancelled.

4. In the case when the seller himself is recognized as the owner of the car according to the purchase and sale agreement, the question should arise as to why the car was not re-registered. In such a situation, most likely, a reseller acts as a seller. Having bought a car from such a person, you may encounter a number of problems in the process of registering a car. In addition, we cannot exclude the possibility that the contract being drawn up will be fake, and the seller himself will be an ordinary fraudster.

5. It is worth checking the actual mileage and year of manufacture of the car. This is done in order to verify the information provided in the ad. If there are discrepancies, the transaction must be abandoned, since the possibility of subsequent problems cannot be ruled out.

6. We pay attention to the region of the country in which the machine was operated. This point is especially relevant for residents of the capital and other megacities. Naturally, at present there is no problem with registering a car, even from another region. In a situation where a car is registered in one region and sold in another, and the distance between the regions is several thousand kilometers, then it is worth thinking about a “double”. For example, a normal car drives around Yekaterinburg, but in the Caucasus there is a complete copy in color and make, but with a criminal record. Fraudsters tie a dirty car to clean documents. Unfortunately, you can only find out about the problem during the vehicle registration process. The only possible option to confirm that a car from another region is really clean is to check the fines database.

7. Is there anything included with the car? This could be a spare set of wheels, additional spare parts, body kit elements and more.

The owner of the car will immediately give a detailed and clear answer to any question. A fraudster or reseller will try to avoid answering the question asked. It is better not to deal with such people. The same as with those who refuse to provide for verification a scanned PTS, a photograph of the car, where the registration numbers, VIN code, and contact information will be clearly readable.

Video: Buying a Used Car - “For Dummies”

Familiarization with the documents for the car

A vehicle that does not have documents or they are incorrect can be called a piece of iron. During a personal meeting with the owner of the purchased car, you should carefully study the following documents.


The data indicated in the PTS must match the information provided in the advertisement. If there are discrepancies, this fact should be taken as an alarming signal. In the absence of experience in purchasing used cars, it is difficult for the buyer to draw a conclusion about the cleanliness of the car.

Section in the PTS “special notes”

It contains data about all the changes that were made to the numbers on the car body, its engine, production time, paint, and so on. Marks of this kind are very often put down when the so-called designer is drawn up. Today, most of the designers are considered illegal. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about purchasing such a vehicle option.

It also happens that information about changes in body color is entered into the PTS. Such actions may simply be updating the color of the car, or they may hide significant problems in the form of damage. Sometimes the traffic police or customs make a mark in the section in question. This happens when employees of these departments make a mistake. The specified adjustment is certified by the seal of the department. Such errors are quickly discovered, so it is important for the buyer to look at the period of time that has passed from the moment the document was issued until changes were made to it. Very rarely this period exceeds several weeks.

When importing a car into the country from abroad, customs officers are responsible for issuing PTS. In such a document, the column called “customs restrictions” should contain the inscription “not established.” Only the presence of this mark confirms the fact of legal registration of the vehicle and payment by the former owner of all duties and recycling fees.

The PTS is marked “duplicate”

This situation is complex. Such an inscription may indicate that the original was lost and was not restored by the owner of the car. However, it often happens that the car is pledged to a bank. That's why the original document is there.


The buyer is obliged to reconcile the PTS data with the information provided in the STS. Each point must be completely identical. If there are inconsistencies, you should be prepared for future problems.

What to look for when inspecting a car

It is better to entrust this to specialists. First, ask the old owner about any shortcomings that he would like to talk about. This will save time for each party to the transaction.

The machine inspection procedure itself should be divided into the following stages:

  1. Body inspection.
  2. Inspection of the luggage compartment and engine compartment.
  3. Inspection of the salon.
  4. Test drive a car.

When inspecting the vehicle yourself, pay special attention to points that may indicate to the buyer the vehicle’s repair or accident history:

  1. Noticeably different distances between several body parts.
  2. Difference in color, discrepancy between the color shades of external and internal elements.
  3. Differences in weld points in different openings.
  4. Different weld quality.
  5. Presence of traces of mechanical impact on fastening elements.
  6. Presence of traces of corrosion in the luggage compartment or under the interior trim.

If possible, it is better to use a thickness gauge during the inspection and use it to check the most vulnerable spots on the body.

Preparation of documents when buying a car by hand

If the result of the check is positive, all that remains is to document the fact of purchasing the car. This can be done by concluding a purchase and sale agreement.

Copies of the agreement must be drawn up in 6 copies, three copies each for the seller and the buyer. At the same time, each of them must be signed by both the seller and the buyer. Then all parties to the agreement make entries in the vehicle passport: the buyer puts a signature in the “owner’s data” paragraph, the seller performs an identical procedure in the paragraph called “previous owner’s signature.”

If there is no free space in the PTS, then signatures are placed in the margins. However, it is the responsibility of the new owner to obtain a new title for the vehicle. Next, the new owner of the car needs to receive the following things from the seller:

1. All sets of keys (in most cases there are two).

2. Vehicle STS.

3. PTS of the car with all the above signatures.

4. Diagnostic card.

5. Signed agreement in triplicate.

After this, you can pay the seller the entire agreed amount. Payment is made only when there is no agreement to transfer money only after completing the procedure for re-registration of the car with the traffic police.

Further actions

After purchasing a car, the new owner will have 10 days to re-register the car with the traffic police and purchase insurance.

There is no need to deregister the car when it is subsequently sold. It is enough to simply re-register the vehicle to the new owner on the basis of a completed purchase and sale agreement. These steps can be performed at any registration department of the traffic police. The cost of this service will vary depending on whether the car’s registration numbers will be transferred to the new owner and whether there is a need to replace the title.

The minimum price for re-registration of a vehicle after its acquisition is 850 rubles. Of these, 350 rubles will have to be paid for the procedure for making changes to the PTS and another 500 rubles for registration of a new STS.

Video: How people cheat when selling a car! The whole scheme in one video! Volkswagen

After purchasing a car or motorcycle, you have 10 days to register it. For this you will need:

  • identification document;
  • document confirming ownership of the vehicle (vehicle);
  • vehicle registration certificate (VTC) - if available;
  • application to change vehicle registration data;
  • identification document of the legal representative of the owner, if the submission of documents is carried out by the legal representative;
  • a document certifying the authority of a citizen to represent the interests of the owner (holder) of the vehicle when performing registration actions, if the submission of documents is carried out by the legal representative of the owner of the vehicle;
  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • vehicle technical certificate.

The seller must provide you with a number of documents; their list may differ depending on what kind of vehicle you bought: new If you purchased a new vehicle from a dealership, you must be given the following documents:

  • vehicle passport (if the vehicle is purchased on credit, the bank issues a PTS for a certain period, after which the PTS is returned to the bank);
  • contract of sale;
  • if a vehicle is purchased on credit, an insurance policy is issued for compulsory motor liability insurance and, in most cases, CASCO insurance.
">dealership, used When purchasing a used vehicle from an individual, you should have:
  • two copies of the purchase and sale agreement. The contract is drawn up in free form with the obligatory indication of the passport data of the buyer and seller, vehicle data and the transaction amount. The document is drawn up in three copies: one remains with the seller, the other with the buyer, the third with the traffic police department upon registration;
  • PTS (after signing the contract, the new owner enters his data into the PTS and both parties put their signatures there);
  • diagnostic card.

After this, the transaction is considered completed. There is no longer any need to deregister a vehicle for sale. If the car or motorcycle you are purchasing is more than three years old, it is also useful to ask the previous owner for a valid diagnostic card, on the basis of which you can issue an MTPL policy. If there is no such card, then after purchase you will have to undergo a technical inspection and obtain a diagnostic card yourself.

">from an individual
or used If you are buying a used car or motorcycle from a legal entity, you must obtain the following documents from the seller (legal entity):
  • purchase and sale agreement certified by the seller’s round seal;
  • PTS with the stamp of the former owner;
  • MTPL insurance policy issued to the buyer, with a blank license plate line.

The seller must deregister the vehicle at the place of its registration.

">legal entity

Please note: from January 1, 2020, register a car and receive a registration The state registration number - a combination of letters and numbers - is assigned to the vehicle upon registration. State registration plates - metal plates on which the registration number is applied - are issued by traffic police departments or specialized organizations.

">the number and/or signs can be obtained at a car showroom - from the manufacturer or dealer, if the company is vested with such powers. The service is paid, but not more than 500 rubles.

Documents that you have the right to submit on your own initiative:

  • Receipt of payment The state duty is paid in the amount of:
    • 500 rubles - for issuing a vehicle registration certificate (STS is always issued);
    • 350 rubles - for making changes to a previously issued vehicle passport (when issuing a new STS, changes are made to the PTS).

    If necessary:

    • 2000 rubles - for issuing registration plates;
    • 1,500 rubles - for issuing registration plates for motor vehicles and trailers.

    If you register with the traffic police department through the Russian government services portal, you can pay the state fee with a 30% discount.

    The following are exempt from paying state duty:

    • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
    • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
    • former prisoners of fascist concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by German fascists and their allies during the Second World War;
    • former prisoners of war during the Great Patriotic War.

    The applicant, in accordance with Federal Law No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” of July 27, 2010, has the right not to present a receipt for payment of the state duty for the provision of a public service, but this does not exempt him from paying it.

    ">state duty

You need to submit the following documents:

  • to any traffic police unit that registers vehicles (possibly To complete registration actions, you can make an appointment at the traffic police:
    • on the official website of the Moscow Mayor.
  • to one of Government service centers that carry out vehicle registration:
    • center of public services of district importance in the Central Administrative District at the address: Presnenskaya embankment, building 2, shopping and entertainment complex "Afimall City";
    • center of public services of regional importance in the South-Western Administrative District at the address: Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, building 1, shopping center "Spectrum".
    ">flagship offices
    “My documents” - only by .

Documents provided by the buyer

Often, all that is required from the buyer is a personal passport or passport details and a driver's license. Make copies of your documents in advance, which you will leave with the seller after the transaction is concluded. However, if the seller is not interested, you can do without it.

Mandatory documents provided by the seller

Below is a list of documents that the seller must provide to the buyer before completing the purchase and sale transaction of a used car:

    • Vehicle passport. You must be provided with the original. If not, you have the right to demand an explanation from the owner of the car, because it may turn out that the car cannot be sold because it is pledged to the bank. When inspecting the PTS, pay attention to the degree of its filling. At least one field must be free to record the new owner of the car. Also check that you have the required stamps.
    • Vehicle registration certificate. However, you need it if the seller has it in order to re-register it with the traffic police. If the certificate is missing, then when registering the car, a new certificate will be issued with your data.
    • Personal passport of the car owner.

The listed documents are required to be included in the purchase and sale agreement.

Additional documents provided by the seller

When purchasing a used car, the buyer has the right to ask the seller for documentation, which has the status of additional, but desirable. These include:

  • driver's license;
  • insurance policy;
  • service book;
  • photocopy of personal passport;
  • operating instructions for the vehicle and its built-in systems.

It is likely that not all documents will be available. However, the provision of a larger package by the seller is the key to a fair and successful transaction. They will calm your vigilance and serve as proof of the seller’s honesty.

Documents for completing a transaction

Before completing the paperwork, be sure to check the vehicle's history. This can be done using the Autocode online service. By VIN or license plate number you can find out here:

  • actual car mileage;
  • participation in an accident;
  • presence of traffic police restrictions;
  • the presence of pledges, arrests, loans;
  • OSAGO data;
  • technical inspections;
  • customs history;
  • history of fines.

You checked the car and made sure that everything was in order with the documents provided by the former owner. We proceed to the transaction and draw up the purchase and sale documents.

These include:

    • Contract of sale. The first one necessary to complete a transaction. Fill out in two copies: one remains with you, the other with the seller. You can read about how to correctly fill out a car purchase and sale agreement on our website: How to fill out a car purchase and sale agreement.
    • Suppose the seller insists on carrying out the transaction on the basis of drawing up a power of attorney. This should be taken with caution. The purchase of a used car should only be carried out under a sales contract. The danger of another method lies in the fact that an unscrupulous seller can easily revoke this power of attorney, as a result of which you run the risk of being left without a car and without money.
    • The act of acceptance and transfer. It is recommended to make it a separate document in order to increase its legal force. The act reflects the actual condition of the used car.
    • A financial receipt is your guarantee in case of fraud or “gray” schemes. It is preferable to draw up such documents whenever transferring large amounts.

The executed purchase and sale agreement must be certified by a notary. Otherwise, your car rights will be illegal.

Documents required when purchasing a used car at a dealership

Some specialized car dealerships offer used cars and also reduce the risk when buying a used car. In addition to the above documentation, the car dealership is required to provide the following:

  • Service book, which indicates that the car has been repaired.
  • Documents confirming the fact of purchase of the car. This includes checks and certificates of down payment.

At the end of the procedure, you will receive the car keys and PTS, where your data and signature must be entered.

Documents required when buying a car on credit

If purchasing a car is not possible with the accumulated funds, contact the bank for help to obtain a loan. There is a standard list of required documentation, but each bank has its own requirements. Something may not be required at all, but somewhere they will ask for more than what is listed below:

  • personal passport and other documents confirming the identity of the buyer;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of income for the last few months;
  • an application filled out on a bank form for a loan;
  • information about the car seller;
  • information about the buyer's existing loans.
  • purchase and sale agreement for the purchased car.

In addition, you may be asked for information about education, marital status, property owned, etc.

Purchasing on lease is a case where a used car is paid for with a deferred payment for the remaining amount. The difficulty is that when purchasing a car this way, you need to make a one-time payment that is larger than subsequent payments. It is better to entrust the execution of such an agreement to specialists who are knowledgeable in this matter. The package of documents is the same as what is required to be provided to the bank when applying for a car loan.

Documents required to purchase a car using maternity capital

The State Duma is discussing the issue of using maternity capital to buy a car. Options for extending the law are being considered, but, unfortunately, there is still no consensus.

We told you what documents are needed to buy a car second-hand. After purchasing a car, the purchase and sale transaction, registration and insurance, now of your car, follows.

The article provides the procedure for buying a car second-hand. You will learn where to check the transport and conclude a legally “clean” deal.

What mistakes are made when buying a vehicle?

The procedure for selling a car secondhand often turns into a fraudulent scheme, the goal of which is to get money and ruin the deal. Let's look at 4 popular tricks of scammers.

  1. Selling a car for which the loan has not been paid off. If the buyer does not bother to check the documents, he will get a lot of problems. The owner may hide that he has not repaid the loan and try to sell the vehicle, which is pledged to the bank.
  2. Requests to transfer an advance. Do not agree to pay an advance before signing the contract. Often, gullible buyers make an advance payment, and then are left without money and a car. If you transfer money, issue a receipt.
  3. Sale by proxy. We recommend that you refuse to buy a car second-hand if the seller offers to issue a power of attorney for you. There is a risk that the transaction will be challenged. Fraudsters often use a scheme where the sales process is done under a general power of attorney. In fact, cars purchased under a power of attorney do not become the property of the buyer. The power of attorney only gives the right to use the car, and ownership rights cannot be registered. The maximum period for using the machine is 10 years.
  4. Masking of defects. The seller “varnishes” the car on the outside and hides the fact that the vehicle is actually rotten from the inside. Buying a car second hand requires additional inspection. Service station specialists will identify what defects the vehicle has.

If the seller’s actions seem suspicious to you, we recommend that you refuse to purchase.

How to protect yourself when buying a vehicle

Use special services to check vehicles. You can find out a lot of necessary information online. There are 3 useful services for checking car information.

  1. On the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate you can find out whether the car has any fines. Enter information into the form and the system will respond.
  2. Do you want to know whether the owner has the right to sell? Go to another service of the State Traffic Inspectorate portal and fill out the form.

Find out the vehicle's VIN to fill out the form.

  1. In 2019, you can use one more service. The website of the Federal Notary Chamber makes it possible to find out whether the car is pledged.

How to avoid mistakes when buying a car by proxy

Transactions made by proxy are risky. Yet buyers often agree to purchase a car by proxy. We advise you to follow two simple rules to avoid problems.

  1. Check the power of attorney. Pay attention to the validity period and powers that are listed in it. The power of attorney must be drawn up correctly, containing correct information about the owner of the vehicle and the car itself.
  2. Include in the agreement the real cost of the car. There is a risk that interested parties will be able to challenge the deal in court. The buyer will receive back exactly the amount specified in the contract. Therefore, do not agree to indicate the cost of 60 thousand in the contract if the car costs 600 thousand rubles.

Algorithm for purchasing vehicles secondhand

When buying a car second hand, the entire procedure can be divided into 4 stages:

  • get acquainted with the offers, choose a worthy option;
  • “check” transport, study documents and use online services;
  • to sign an agreement;
  • register with the MREO department.

The purchase procedure includes drawing up a purchase and sale agreement, so you need to know in advance how to draw up the document correctly. If you want to save money, draw up a contract yourself. The law does not establish the obligation to notarize a contract.

8 main points of the agreement:

  • date and number of the contract;
  • in the preamble - information from the passport and registration addresses of the parties;
  • the subject of the transaction is indicated (we advise you to identify the car as accurately as possible by indicating 5 information about the vehicle: model and make, color of the car, VIN number, release date, information from the vehicle passport);
  • an explanation is made that the car is free and is not under arrest or bail;
  • cost of transport (the amount is indicated in numbers, with a designation in words next to it in parentheses);
  • settlement procedure: the parties indicate the day of transfer of payments and the date of transfer of rights to the car;
  • the parties indicate that they are familiar with the technical condition of the car;
  • At the end of the document a date and signature are placed.

If the sale is carried out by a consignment store, then it draws up an agreement.

Advice: do not limit yourself to signing the contract - draw up an acceptance certificate. The report contains information about the condition of the car, additional equipment and documents.

When an advance is made, information about the amount can be written down in a deed or receipt. If you refuse the deal, the advance will no longer be returned. The rule is established by Article 381 of the Civil Code.

After the contract is completed and the act is drawn up, the information is entered into the vehicle passport. You must provide information about the new owner and contract details.

The final stage of the transaction is the transfer of car keys and documents.

How to officially register a car license

Registration is an event that cannot be postponed, since you need to have time to register the car within 10 days from the date of purchase. The deadline was approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Order No. 1001). The owner who forgot about registration pays a fine. The amount of the penalty ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

Let's look at 6 steps to register.

  1. Prepare an application, passport, vehicle title and insurance policy. These are the basic documents, but additional information may be needed. For example, if you have changed the design of a car, you will need documentation that the car is safe. Transit numbers are not needed for registration.
  2. Pay the fee. New signs cost 2,000 rubles, a registration certificate costs 500 rubles. Correcting information in the PTS will cost 350 rubles.
  3. Make a payment using the terminal installed at the traffic police department. You can also print a receipt on the website. The main thing is to check that the payment details are entered correctly.
  4. Contact the MREO office to register. You can contact any department. You can sign up by phone or using the website We advise you to register in advance so that you do not have to waste time standing in line.
  5. Be present during the inspection at the MREO.
  6. Get your car documents and license plates.

Once you become the owner of a car, you receive not only rights, but also responsibilities. You will have to pay transport tax on the car. The seller of the car must also report the profit made from its sale.


So, buying a vehicle is not particularly difficult, even on the secondary market. It is important to carefully check the documents and the car itself. If you are sure that a “clean” sale is being carried out, then you can sign the contract. After purchasing a car, do not delay registering it so you don’t have to pay a fine.

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