The first level of awareness of what color. Test your level of awareness

One day, in the chaos of nothingness, the light of consciousness lights up. This consciousness is the essence of the Absolute - God and Creator of the entire Universe. His birth cannot be fully called a birth, since his existence extends beyond space and time. The very first word of God became the first act of creation - the “do” note of the octave of the universe.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
(John 1:1)

The highest level of consciousness - the Absolute

The Absolute is the eternal, unchanging Source from which everything flows. This is the state of pure being “I Am”, the consciousness of God in unity and integrity. The Absolute is the level of passive existence outside of movement and change. At this level of consciousness there are no dualities and no separation.

According to Egyptian legend, the God Atum proclaims, “I exist,” declaring his presence. “I exist” is the only thing that is true. Any clarification and definition will be a particularity, a possible manifestation of the One.

Every time you try to find an answer to a question, any words turn out to be not enough. Consciousness discovers that truth is always greater than any word. The only thing that consciousness can affirm is that it exists, and the only confirmation of this is its presence - awareness of itself in itself.

Truth is the essence of the Creator, his pure consciousness, abiding in peace and eternity. But existence must be confirmed by action. And the Creator manifests himself in the act of creating the world.

“And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening, and there was morning..."
"Genesis", Chapter 1

Levels of Consciousness: from pure energy to matter

Each word of the Creator spills out as an energy wave, like a descending musical octave. The original “Before” is the Level of Higher Consciousness, the energy of high vibrations. “Before” the lower octave – the level of the material world – vibration of low frequencies.

Just as a musical octave contains all the notes: do, re, mi... si, so each note from the beginning of its sound to its decay contains an octave.

Levels of consciousness:

  • Before - the material world;
  • Re - astral world;
  • Mi - mental world;
  • Fa—spiritual world;
  • Salt is the world of thrones;
  • La - the world of primordial forms;
  • Si - Absolute.

Man is both a note in the octave of creation and a full octave of 7 notes. And our consciousness can reside both in the material worlds and rise to God. Instincts are the level of consciousness of the material world, emotions and thoughts are of the astral world. And outside of images and words, in the spiritual world, the “higher self” lives. At this level, a person becomes aware of himself in himself, just as God became aware of himself in the primary ocean of chaos. Awareness of one's existence is the birth of immortal consciousness. From the moment of this birth, a person’s life is no longer a random mixture of chaotic events, but a conscious creativity of the life path.

Levels of human consciousness

1st level of consciousness – body and instincts

This is the level of a crude materialist who lives primarily by animal needs. Delicious high-calorie food, a large safe home, and comfortable existence for a person at this level of consciousness will be the main goals in life. Here human consciousness is at a level close to that of an animal. However, a person always has the opportunity to evolve and rise to a higher level. The animal has no such choice.

Instincts are the consciousness of nature that ensure the survival of species in the wild. The consciousness of this level of reality is not yet divided into universal human particulars; there is no morality, severity or mercy here. There is pure rationality here: some die for the sake of the lives of others. But others will one day become food for someone.

If the Absolute is the beginning of the path from idea to materialization, then the earthly world is the beginning of the soul on the way back: from matter to spirit.

2nd level of consciousness - emotional-sensual

Here desires appear, driven mainly by instincts. Junk food contains a lot of energy and therefore you want to eat it. The desire for respect and recognition is caused by the desire to get a worthy partner and leave healthy offspring.

Emotions are a reaction to the realization or non-realization of a desire. When reality does not coincide with our expectations, we experience disappointment and annoyance. Of course, everyone will experience the same situation differently. Some are very vulnerable and emotional, while others are cold and rational. This will depend on the individual inclinations of the individual, which are studied by psychology, astrology, numerology, palmistry...

For a person whose consciousness is mostly at the level of emotions, desires will have the main priority in decision making. Such individuals are usually guided by a simple algorithm: “like - don’t like”, “pleasant - unpleasant”, “want - don’t want”. This is the level of consciousness of children whose intelligence and worldview are still in the process of formation and development.

It is extremely difficult to be at this level of consciousness in adulthood. The fact is that emotions are irrational in nature, and impulsive decisions often lead only to destruction. This is the so-called selfish personality type. Such people usually suffer from a reluctance to analyze their words and actions. And therefore, in the heat of passion, they do things that they later regret. This attitude towards the world causes many conflicts, external and internal, which will either exhaust and kill the conflicting person, or lead him to change. Here the brain comes to the rescue, which is able to analyze any situation and make its own rational adjustments to the “character”. At the same time, the emotions themselves will not disappear anywhere, but now, before being released into the world, they will go through a certain filter of “personal morality”, based on the experience of the past.

3rd level of consciousness – mental

The mental level is the consciousness of a human logician. A logician controls his emotions. Rationality for a logician is most important. And therefore his actions will be based on an analysis of past experience.

A person of the mental level of consciousness, as well as an emotional type, will act to satisfy his desires. But in this case, it will be a calm calculation of the most effective path to the goal.

Of course, emotions and mind are inextricably linked, and human behavior will be shaped by their interaction. There are no completely emotionless people. And if emotions arise, they definitely need a way out. Containing and suppressing emotions can eliminate open conflicts with the outside world, but not with oneself. At best, this will end in an emotional outburst of accumulated emotions, at worst – in illness.

Besides, the mind can make mistakes. The habit of dividing everything into parts and defining everything leads to the fact that we cease to see the big picture. An example of this is the moral code, in which we divide everything into “right” and “wrong.” But in life nothing can be certain. And therefore, people at the mental level often become hostage to their patterns and definitions. The brain is constantly trying to find an algorithm, a single formula for everything, but this is impossible. After all, even if you have crossed the river in the same place all your life, one day, due to melting snow, its waters will disperse and the crossing will become dangerous. But the brain doesn't like to admit mistakes. And when approaching a flooded river for the first time, a logical person will most likely ignore the intuitive sense of danger and enter the stream, convincing himself that if he has already walked here a thousand times, then he knows everything about this path.

This is another example where suppressing feelings and emotions can lead to disastrous consequences. The fact is that the method of our mind is to analyze the situation, and on its basis, develop an algorithm of behavior, a template. In every similar situation, he will turn to a ready-made template, so as not to do unnecessary work. Sometimes, as in the case described above, the situation will require reconsideration. And at such moments, intuition kicks in. In people of an emotional level of consciousness, intuition works more often and brighter, since the “gut feeling” is not suppressed by the rational brain.

Emotions and mind are another manifestation of the duality of the world. Skew in any direction: lack of logic or absolute rationalization - extreme, departure from unity. And only in the interaction of these two plans can harmony be achieved.
There is a need for a single center that will unite two opposites: logic and feelings. This center is the soul.

4th level of consciousness – spiritual

No matter how hard we try to plan our lives, unexpected events always get introduced into our plans. No matter how much we try to define things, things will always be more than words. The brain wants specifics: lying is bad, good is good. What about lies in the name of salvation? And the devastating truth? Good or bad for whom? And if for me, then who am I? The words end here. In search of an answer, the brain understands its powerlessness, and a person finally realizes that he is something more than his body, emotions and thoughts.

He lives beyond words and all definitions. She is not limited by the body, she does not judge or reason. It is simply present, observing the world from its center.

Ask yourself: “Who am I,” and receive a silent answer-state. In this search, enlightenment comes, and consciousness comes into contact with eternity. It can be described as radiance, delight of existence, presence, but these will only be words.

We can feel this presence if we stop identifying ourselves with anything, leaving only one awareness of the moment “here and now.” At such a moment, it will seem to someone that this is the pier: the path from the dense to the subtle has been passed, and that in blissful peace there is a new life.

By remembering itself, consciousness reveals what was previously hidden, invisible. Laws of the universe, cause and effect, energy, connections, vibrations.

Having felt the delight of existence, many want to remain in motionless bliss forever. But life is in motion, the holy spirit is in action. And if previously the soul learned acceptance and humility, now harmony has been found. But this is just a point, and then the path continues. And anyone who stops here will not know this.

By remembering itself, consciousness reveals what was previously hidden, invisible. Laws of the universe, cause and effect, energy, connections, vibrations. And now incredible opportunities are opening up before us. Presence is the birth of the Super-I, this is the beginning of conscious creativity of oneself and the world around with the power to make decisions from the center of one’s soul. He who controls himself owns the world. But there is no one without the other: and the greater the power, the greater the responsibility its owner bears. Therefore, only those who see the particulars and do not see the unity can passionately desire power.

One who is at this level of consciousness does not identify himself with his thoughts, emotions and body, but on the contrary, completely controls them. At this level, a person gains true freedom and power to build his own life and the world around him.

5th level of consciousness - the world of Thrones

The World of Thrones is the abode of the Archangels, the level of power and creation.

6th level of consciousness - the world of First Forms

The world of Performs is the world of Archetypes or primary principles of existence. In the esoteric system of the Tree of Sephiroth, this level is represented by two principles: the images of the Great Father and the Great Mother. This is the level of the first division of the One Spirit and the birth of duality: energy and matter.

7th level of consciousness - Absolute

This is the level of creation of a new reality. Here consciousness returns to the One, the Absolute again realizes its existence, and the world is born anew.

Remember that all divisions into levels are conditional and exist only in the sphere of our thoughts and images. No words can describe the true essence. The soul speaks without words.

Good afternoon, dear reader!

Let's continue to delve into our topic of awareness. And today let’s start determining what level of awareness you are at at this moment in your life.

Awareness is your ability to illuminate all 13 areas of your life with the light of your consciousness at once. With it, you can be aware of your manifestations and the true motives of your behavior. A person's progress does not depend on his mind, but on the level of his accumulated existential mass or awareness. But when we look around and take a closer look, we can see that most people around us are living on autopilot. And these people need to awaken their consciousness in order to begin to feel like the master of their own lives.

Most people live a life that is more like a doll's...

theater. And the manifestations of people in this theater create their existence, but not true life.

A person living in the system of our civilization is, as it were, hypnotized by the automatisms of his manifestations. He has peculiar control buttons in his psyche, and when they are pressed, a completely predictable reaction-program is issued, manifesting which, the person mistakenly identifies his consciousness with it.

There are 3 levels of awareness possible for a person:

  • deep unconsciousness
  • ordinary unconsciousness
  • full consciousness.

Level 1 is deep unconsciousness.
A person at this level may himself suffer from pain and also completely unconsciously cause pain to other people. And most of the everyday crimes are committed by those who are at this level of awareness. They cause their loved ones physical pain, or, more often, emotional pain. At the same time, his consciousness is dormant, and he performs his actions, following the lead of his emotions. About some manifestations of such people they say: “The person is not himself.” And indeed, such people feel as if they do not belong to themselves.

Level 2 is ordinary unconsciousness.
A person of this level most of the time spends his consciousness in past memories or builds pictures of the future. He most often acts as if he lives in the past or future. And such a person can also cause physical or emotional pain to himself or his loved ones, justifying his actions with logical arguments generated by the mind. The mind is influenced by programs from past centuries, personal or inherited from the family.
But today, a new type of programming has an even greater influence, which comes from the media, from the influence of collective consciousness and the education system.
The person here mistakenly identifies himself with his mind. He does not realize or understand that his mind is as much an instrument as his physical or other bodies.

Level 3 is full awareness.
Staying at this level allows a person to cleanse his subconscious. And it needs to be purified to such an extent that it is generally impossible to immerse oneself in such emotions, feelings, states as: pride, apathy, anger, resentment, hatred, fear, grief, envy, guilt, etc. A person at this level is already fully aware of himself holistically , that is, all parts of yourself. He is able to control the manifestations of each of them, separately and all at the same time. He is able to easily come into contact with any living object in the surrounding space, while understanding and being aware of its deep essence. And for him it no longer matters at what level of development the object of interaction is.

Such a person already becomes a torch himself, radiates light, love and joy, experiences moments of complete awareness when he focuses on the moment here and now.
It is clear that it is difficult to accurately determine the level of your awareness since there are many intermediate levels. Therefore, long-term observation of your manifestations in all 13 areas of life is necessary in order to more accurately determine it.

Please write below in the comments to the article, were you able to determine your level of awareness?

First level of awareness

When the soul first incarnates from the animal kingdom into the human kingdom, it has the first level of awareness, when, basically, a person is driven by animal instincts - to eat, sleep, reproduce. Without the support of more experienced souls and proper upbringing, people of the first level are more likely than others to slide into degradation, because they absolutely do not understand how to live “like a human being”, do not see cause-and-effect relationships and cannot engage in intellectual activity. Such people learn to do simple work, create families and take care of their children. From the moral and ethical side, they are helped by religions, where it is explained in a simple form what can and cannot be done; in life, they are guided by people of the second level and are drawn to them. For accelerated evolution and reaching the second level of awareness, such people require a special environment and special education, which allows them to pass the first level in one incarnation.

Second level of awareness

At the second level of awareness, a person begins to strive for material wealth, develops intelligence, and also seeks to express his uniqueness, including through creativity. Most people on Earth are now at this level. A person of the second level works either subordinately or for himself, perceives the world around him as a given, without any particular desire to change anything or without believing that it is possible.

Third level of awareness

A person of the third level of awareness begins to see the patterns of this world, understands that something is wrong with the world and begins to actively change it. Having already had a rich experience of incarnations, the soul is able to realize itself in power, gain status, money and manage other people. At the third level, a person thinks about the purpose of his incarnation on Earth, looks for information about how the Universe works, wants to do something really worthwhile, leave his “mark” in history. Before moving to the next level, such people become teachers for people at the first two levels, pushing them to develop.

The fourth level of awareness

The fourth level consciousness awakens when a person begins to notice that the outer world depends on his inner world. Along with this comes the understanding that you cannot change the world by force, but by changing yourself you can change the world. People of the fourth level begin to recognize themselves as creators, actively strive for knowledge and spiritual development, and cease to be involved in dramas and “showdowns” of the third dimension. The connection between the personality and the soul becomes more and more clear, and the choices become more and more conscious. A creative person can always answer what he does and why, and is fully responsible for his words and actions.

Third and fourth dimensions: what is the difference

People of the first three levels of awareness live (conditionally) in the third dimension or in the third dimension. People of the fourth level of awareness gradually move into the fourth dimension, where they begin their development as a God-man, but since the third and fourth dimensions are close in their characteristics, this transition will not be noticeable outwardly. Later, according to the law of sphericity, space will begin to “stratify” around a person of the fourth level, and he will almost stop contacting “ordinary people”, troubles will stop “happening” to him, and he will become psychologically invisible to those who are significantly lower than him in terms of awareness. People of the fourth level master the art of constructing reality, develop superpowers and begin to perceive energy flows, see the auras of objects and creatures. The outside world looks different for them, and they themselves also change quite a lot, not only in consciousness, but also biologically. Moving further in his development, the God-Man passes into the fifth dimension, becoming physically invisible to people of the third and fourth dimensions. Residents of the fourth dimension are able to contact such a God-man through clairvoyance and telepathy.

The transition from one level of awareness to another can last for years, that is, in some issues you may be of the second level, in some of the third, and in some you can already see glimpses of the fourth, and in general you need to determine your level by the totality of qualities . Living in the laws of the Universe will accelerate the growth of awareness and bring you closer to the level of the God-man.

So, we have considered two states of human consciousness: the state of oblivion and the state of awareness. We saw how they differ from each other, and what is the advantage of conscious perception of the world. Of course, it cannot be said that there are only two states - awareness and oblivion. In fact, there are different levels of oblivion or different levels of awareness, which is the same thing. Starting from complete oblivion, when a person’s level of awareness completely drops, and he is completely at the mercy of instincts and automatisms of the mind. This occurs, for example, during a state of passion, strong alcohol intoxication, intense brooding or during hypnosis. Ending with a state of complete awareness, when all events, both in the external and internal world, are fully aware. But the normal human condition is somewhere in the middle. Those. In an ordinary waking state of consciousness, we are partially aware of what is happening to us and around us. And, at the same time, we are influenced by our thoughts created by our mind, i.e. there is a certain degree of immersion in a state of oblivion.

The less we are aware of what is happening to us and around us and plunge into the world of dreams, the closer our state is to the state of oblivion. The more we are aware of what is happening around and inside us, the higher our degree of awareness.

During the day, a person’s level of awareness changes all the time. When we do something automatically, without being aware of what is happening around us, we have a low degree of awareness. As soon as we emerge from this immersion and begin to see what is happening around us and with us, our degree of awareness immediately increases. Some people are more likely to be in a state of oblivion or close to it. Some are more often in more conscious states. For each person you can derive the average level of awareness, depending on the degree of awareness he most often experiences during the day. If a person's level of awareness is low, then he is often absorbed in the images of his mind or instinctive behavior programs, while being little aware of what is happening. If the level of awareness is high, then a person is in a state of awareness most of the time, aware of what is happening both in his inner world and in the external world.

In fact, the level of awareness can be trained. All that is needed for this is to return to the current moment, to a state of awareness, as often as possible. That is, in order to be aware, you need to try to be aware. And for this you need to be interested in this state. If you do not consider the conscious state of consciousness important, then no force will force you to be in it as often as possible. Fortunately, just being in a state of mindfulness produces a feeling of subtle bliss. In this state, you begin to feel the world in a completely different way. It becomes more saturated with colors. You begin to notice the beauty of the world more and more often. You see the world as if it were three-dimensional. Your consciousness expands. The state of awareness is very pleasant and useful. Just try it for a while and you will see all the delights of being in this state. And then you will not need to persuade yourself to move into a state of awareness. Your mind will do this itself. He himself will transfer your attention to your sense of presence, into a state of awareness. He will do this because in this state you get pleasure. And what we like, we want to do more and more often.

Another method of increasing awareness is meditation. In fact, the state of awareness itself is meditation. This is a meditative state. However, often meditation is a special procedure you do to enter a meditative state, i.e. into a state of awareness. Usually meditation is done like this. You sit on a chair or in a special position and concentrate on one of the manifestations of present reality: breathing, body sensations, sounds or external objects that you can observe right now. Those. in meditation, you consciously direct your attention to the events of the current moment, to the here and now. This is one of the methods of entering a state of awareness. By meditating daily, you practice bringing your attention to the present moment from thoughts about the past and future. In this way, you develop the skill of transitioning to a state of awareness. The more often you meditate, the more often you will be in a conscious state in everyday life. This is how the level of awareness increases through meditation.

Personally, I prefer the first option for developing my awareness. When you meditate, your mind “jumps” from one object of attention to another, and according to the rules of meditation, you should keep your attention on only one object. In fact, this is not even meditation, but concentration. It's a bit tedious. In addition, you only practice meditation for a limited amount of time per day, and the rest of the time your mind works in its usual mode, which is often close to a state of oblivion. Those. your efforts to develop a level of awareness in the state of meditation are practically neutralized by the rest of the time that you spend in your ordinary everyday state of consciousness.

In the case of simply transferring your attention to the present moment, you do not need to keep your attention on only one object. You let go of your attention and enjoy where it is directed. Now you see a beautiful flower. In a moment you already feel a thrill in your body. Then your attention suddenly turned to the rustling of leaves. Everything is fine. Let your attention go where it wants. The only condition is that the object of observation be at the current moment in time, or more precisely, you need to track those moments when you are carried away by thoughts or emotions. In this case, you need to return to present reality and continue to be aware of reality. This practice, if you can call it that, can be done anywhere and anytime. And, moreover, it is very pleasant, so you will want to do it as often as possible. This means that your practice time, unlike the time of the meditation procedure, stretches over almost the entire day. Let's call this practice practicing mindful presence so you can quickly reference it later. And, as I said above, this is not even really a practice, because... you're not doing anything on purpose. All you have to do is simply remember how pleasant it is to be in a conscious state of consciousness, and that’s it. And then your attention itself will jump into a state of awareness.

Esotericists distinguish 10 levels of human consciousness. They give everyone the opportunity to realize themselves and strive for changes for the better. This classification helps you not to stop on the path to new goals and work on yourself every day.

A person's levels of consciousness depend on their personal development, ability to grow and develop, and interact with the world around them. Experts on the site suggest determining what level of development you are at at the moment, and what you need to do in order not to stop and develop further spiritually.

1. Physical layer

The very first level indicates that people are aware of themselves in the material world, physically correspond to what surrounds them, and are biased towards themselves. So, if they are poor and experiencing difficulties, they believe that nothing can be changed.

2. Low vibration level

This level is typical for people who spend more time on internal development. People with this level begin to feel the need to be alone, moving away from earthly goods and not feeling the need to stand out through money or status. There comes an understanding of feelings and emotions that have a clear separation (for example, intimate relationships and true love).

3. Level of development

The third level characterizes people who gain sensitivity. Their emotional background increases, the time comes for philosophical questions, a period for the development of creative abilities. At this level, your own life values ​​appear, which help you communicate with people without hurting them.

4. Activity level

At this stage, awareness of one’s own life begins, independent decisions are made, independent of the opinions of others. Self-confidence allows you to live by your own values ​​and develops a sense of self-control. Development is gaining momentum, but now people realize that everything depends on their words, thoughts and actions.

5. Balance level

At the fifth level, people change their lives, adapting to their own ideas about it, understanding which actions will lead to a positive development of events and which will not. At this stage, respect for yourself, your body and thoughts comes to the fore. The fifth level is characterized by the ability to maintain internal harmony, to refuse actions performed for the sake of praise and approval of others. People start meditating to understand themselves more deeply and are able to find compromise solutions.

6. Level of bridging the gap

The connection between spiritual life and the outside world becomes clear, and people strive to close this gap and pass on knowledge and wisdom to those around them. At this level, they begin to provide consultations, know how to resolve conflicts, and adapt to a rapidly changing environment.

7. Level of spirituality

The seventh stage distinguishes spiritual people who perfectly understand the thoughts and feelings of others, their experiences, feel the pain of others as their own and know how to heal spiritual wounds. The seventh level indicates the absence of negative emotions, the ability to calm your neighbor and give him a smile.

8. Fusion level

At this stage, the lines between one’s own ego and the environment begin to blur. Those who have reached this level feel connected to all processes, people, feelings and emotions. At the eighth level, people begin to feel energy vibrations and understand that they are able to change these flows and direct them in the right direction.

9. Presence level

This stage indicates the ability to transform people for the better through one’s own energetic influence. The presence of people of this level is felt as something pure and bright, making you forget about any negativity and reach for the light. Merging with the Universe helps them leave thoughts about themselves personally and serve as a conductor of energy, transferring it to people.

10. Level of self-dissolution and entry

At this stage, the “I” practically disappears, people begin to live in their spiritual reality, as if they glow from within and are able to change the world around them.

Ten stages of development occur throughout life, not refusing, but accepting their own changes. Anyone can go through these levels, but for this it is important not to give up trying to subjugate negative emotions and dissolve them without a trace, replacing them with positivity and pure positive energy. Meditation practices will certainly help you begin the path to the light, leaving behind fear, despondency and thoughts about the impossibility of changing without the influence of the outside world. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.12.2018 07:25

By the date of birth of a person, you can determine not only his fate, but also his energy potential. Thanks to...