What kind of driver should a driver be? What personal qualities should a driver have? You calculate the situation in advance.

Great racers have that rare set of qualities that allow them to achieve high results in various competitions. But we all don’t live by racing and riding alone, don’t forget that you spend most of your time on the roads common use with rules, restrictions and, importantly, with other road users.

So in such everyday situations, the qualities of real racers will help you drive more safely and at the same time not disturb anyone. After all, the most skillful and professional driver is invisible on the road, and does not hustle “ahead of the rest,” trying to get from point A to B as quickly as possible.

So, you are a great driver if:

10. Always have an exit plan

A way out may be needed in a variety of situations, be it the ability to bypass the biggest traffic jam without letting yourself get run over huge truck, or you need to shake off your annoying rival on the track as quickly as possible. In general, you should always know what to do if it suddenly gets too hot.

9. You have strong nerves

Remain calm in the most stressful moments when you are under pressure. maximum pressure. Don't panic if the car moving in front of you begins to wag its tail and rush from side to side. Always act calmly, even if there is an accident right in front of you. In life great amount such moments and they will all seem much simpler if you have a “cool head”.

8. Calculate the situation in advance

Most drivers only look straight ahead of their car, but great racers look as far down the track as possible. After all, they know that the place where you need to be is much more important, and not where you are now. This rule also applies to driving in traffic, where it is very important to take into account everything possible options developments in order to avoid getting into trouble or, in the worst case, an accident.

7. Know exactly where the limits are and never go beyond them.

These aren't just any boring ones speed limits, it's all a matter of possibilities. Yours, your car, and this track or road along which you are moving. If you try to go beyond these limits, you risk discovering a world of pain and horror. Of course, taking a turn on the edge is very interesting and brings great pleasure, but this is in no way a reason to risk your own skin and the lives of those around you.

6. Drive smoothly

A driver who controls his car smoothly is a successful driver. This quality is also important on the track, where you calmly hold your car in a bunch of turns, steering less and more gas. And in the city this is also important, without forcing your passengers to share with you the components of a recent meal. Less sudden movements!

5. You are patient

In fact, it is not at all necessary to hang a centimeter from the bumper of the car that is driving in front of you. And there’s no particular point in honking and yelling at the unwary driver either, because it won’t help in any way, but on the contrary, the nerve cells will go to waste. Circuit racers are well aware that sometimes you have to wait a few laps to get into an overtaking position, and rushing can be very costly. So it's better to wait a little.

4. Don't get distracted by anything

Any thing that distracts you while driving can cause an accident. How many accidents have happened just because someone in a jam was typing a text message or tuning the radio and “caught up” with the car in front. So as soon as you get behind the wheel, the phone moves from your clothing pocket to the glove compartment or niche. Hands-free is not a panacea, because you still have to be distracted while talking. It's very simple - the fewer distractions, the safer your driving.

3. You have excellent control over the dimensions of your car.

Riders can spend their days taking corners in perfect lines through the apexes (the outermost point of the turn). The most successful can do this with centimeter accuracy and at any weather conditions. Also, a simple driver who feels the size of his car can squeeze between parked cars in a narrow street can save a couple of minutes in such a situation. If you can keep an accurate distance in front of your car on the track, you will be able to react in time to changing conditions.

2. You are resilient

Plenty of great drivers were able to excel only for short periods of the race or last only a couple of races in the season, with a great start to the year and a mediocre end. But truly great drivers (like Ayrton Senna, for example) were always “on the crest of a wave.” Everyone can have bad moments or periods of time, but great riders have far fewer of them, so not everyone can be great.

1. You have experience

There’s no need to explain anything here, everything is already clear. To ride, you need to ride. Theory without practice is nothing. The more you ride, the better you get.

If you think that by learning to move a car from one place to another, you have comprehended all the intricacies of the science of driving a car, then you should be disappointed: this is not so. True skill is tested in extreme situations that you may never have encountered before. But this can happen. Then you will know what it is, but it will be too late.

Constantly improve your driving skills

So let's figure out what driving skill is. In the very general view it can be represented as the sum of three terms (Table 1).

The first component includes skills that, having mastered them, will allow you to quickly and correctly move a car in conditions where other road users do not interfere with you. Simply put, when they are not there. Possession of these skills must be brought to automaticity. Only after this can you move on to the second component, which includes the skills necessary to safe traffic. Here you will need not only good coordination of the movements of your arms and legs, but most importantly, the ability to identify in advance the dangers that arise on the road and protect yourself from them. Having mastered these skills, you will rise to the second level of mastery. The third stage is the most difficult. By climbing it, you can protect yourself from any surprises related to the car, road, weather, etc.

Now you have a little idea of ​​what skills a great driver should have. A more detailed conversation about each of them will be in subsequent lessons. And now a little psychophysiology, or about who can become an excellent driver.

Consider your psychological characteristics

The psychophysiological characteristics of each of us are inherent from birth, and it is difficult to change them, and some are impossible. But you need to know them at least in order to understand what impact they can have on your success in mastering driving skills.

You have passed a medical examination and have a medical certificate allowing you to drive vehicle a certain category. This means that you do not have any significant impairments that prevent you from driving a car. But this does not at all mean that there are no shortcomings that may affect your safety. Everyone has them, and you need to know them well.

The results of a study conducted in the United States showed that when drivers with repeated accidents were informed about their psychophysiological deficiencies, their accident rate decreased by 2/3. By knowing your shortcomings, you can compensate for them by driving a certain style and being more careful in certain situations.

What psychophysiological deficiencies affecting the safety of driving are most common?

The driver receives 90% of all information through vision. Therefore, knowing the features of your vision is very important. According to the American Optical Association, at least 35% of drivers have a dangerous vision defect and don't know it. Do you know them?

What is your visual acuity? If you do not have 100% vision, you should only drive with glasses that allow you to see your surroundings clearly. Don’t be lazy to check your visual acuity at least once a year and, if necessary, change your glasses.

Can you see well at night? There are people who see perfectly during the day, but at night in poor lighting it is much worse. Test your ability to see dark time days can be done using the following test. It should be carried out during the day in a well-lit room.

If at a distance of 5 m you can accurately describe only the first row of figures shown in Fig. 1, then it is better to limit night trips or contact an ophthalmologist for more detailed advice. If you can clearly see the bottom row, then everything is fine.

Yours adaptive abilities

To restore the ability to see the situation when blinded by the headlights of an oncoming car, it takes an average of 7-8 seconds. You can find out how much time it takes for you to do this using the already familiar test. But do it a little differently. Before looking at Fig. 1, look closely at the source very bright light, which should be directly in front of your eyes. After this, move your gaze to Fig. 1 and start the stopwatch. If after no more than 10 s you see the figures the same way as before the blinding, then everything is fine. If this time is longer, then you should avoid driving at night, especially in poorly lit areas where you may be blinded by oncoming traffic. When driving at night, try to look at brightly lit objects as little as possible. You will find more detailed recommendations in lesson 7.

Lateral vision.

The ability to observe the situation ahead and at the same time monitor what is happening to the side is very important to you. Especially when driving in the city, where danger often appears from the side. This ability is determined by the amount of space to your right and left that you can see while holding your head straight and looking straight ahead. You can check it yourself as follows (Fig. 2). Stand up holding your head straight and looking at any object located about ten meters directly in front of you. Extend your arms to the sides so that they form a straight line. Start bringing them down without lowering them down. As soon as you can see them in your peripheral vision, freeze and determine the angle between their current position and their original position. If it is more than 20°, you have poor peripheral vision.

Some people have what is called tunnel vision . They can only see within an angle of no more than 40°. This is extremely dangerous when driving, as the surroundings on the sides of the car remain out of sight. Deficiencies in lateral vision can be compensated for by increasing attentiveness and caution when driving through areas where danger may unexpectedly appear from the side. These are exits from the yard, road intersections, places where pedestrians cross the road. If you have poor peripheral vision, look for potential dangers from the side by turning your head rather than out of the corner of your eye.

When driving in the city, you have to simultaneously monitor several objects at once: traffic lights, road users, signs, etc. How well you can do this depends on ability to quickly distribute and switch attention . You can check it using the Schulte-Platonov table (Tables 2, 3). Try to find in the table as quickly as possible. 2 all numbers from 1 to 49. Start the stopwatch. Let's start. If you spent less than 60 seconds on it, great; if more than 80 s - bad.

table 2

Try another more difficult task. In table 3 find all the numbers in bold and regular font. You need to look for them in the following way: first a bold one, then an ordinary one, then a bold two, then an ordinary two, and so on up to 24. If the time is less than 80 s - excellent, more than 100 s - bad.

Table 3

If the quality of your attention is high, then you don’t have to be afraid of busy city traffic. However, this does not relieve you of the need to learn techniques for proper observation of the situation (lesson 4). If you receive a bad grade, do not be discouraged: this can be compensated by perfecting your traffic awareness skills and exercising increased caution (do not drive with high speed) in difficult and unusual driving conditions.

Hearing The driver needs it in order to hear a danger that is difficult to see, for example, a danger warning sound, the sound of the engine and tires of an overtaking car, an ambulance siren, or squeaking brakes. A person with normal hearing can hear words spoken in a normal voice at a distance of 6 m. If you have reduced hearing, try to compensate for it through your vision. Also, do not play the radio or tape recorder loudly, and always keep your window slightly open.

Reaction time- important, but far from the most important, as many believe, the quality of a driver. Often people with excellent reactions get into accidents more often than others. Why? Because they do first and think later. Therefore, if you are not very good reaction time, don’t be upset: there’s nothing wrong with that. You can successfully compensate for it through the ability to predict danger in advance and well-trained driving skills in critical situations (lesson 9).

Reaction time test.

Take a strip of cardboard 12 cm long, 3 cm wide and ask someone to hold it so that the lower end is between your thumb and forefinger right hand. The one holding the strip should unexpectedly let you go, and you should catch it between your fingers. If you didn’t have time, then you shouldn’t delude yourself about your reaction.

Even the most excellent abilities and perfect skills will not save you from misfortune if you do not avoid dangerous conditions.

Alcohol is your enemy No. 1

We will not once again agitate you for sobriety. We think you might be interested in learning about the scientific evidence on some of the most frequently asked drinking questions.

Do the degree and speed of intoxication depend on the type of alcoholic drink? The degree of intoxication depends, firstly, on the amount drunk, and secondly, on the alcohol content in it. When it comes to the quantity of drink, one cannot fail to take into account its quality. For example, carbon dioxide promotes the absorption of alcohol. Therefore, the speed and degree of intoxication when drinking a drink containing carbon dioxide or mixed with carbonated water is faster and greater than when drinking a regular one. Alcohol is absorbed most quickly from drinks containing up to 10% alcohol, i.e. primarily from wine, and comparatively slower from drinks with lower or higher alcohol concentration. A very common belief is that the alcohol content in beer is insignificant and therefore you can drink it even while driving. To refute this, it is enough to point out that 1 liter of beer contains the same amount of alcohol as 400 g of wine or 100 g of vodka.

Does mixing hard liquor with water or juice prevent you from getting drunk? No. No matter what is mixed with an alcoholic drink, the amount of alcohol in it remains the same.

Is it possible to avoid intoxication if you eat well before drinking? Alcohol dissolves in the blood without the participation of the digestive organs. And although a full stomach somewhat slows down the rate of alcohol dissolution in the blood, intoxication will still occur, only a little later.

What determines the degree of intoxication? On the one side. on the amount of alcoholic drinks consumed and their strength, and on the other hand, on the body weight of the drinker and the time that has passed since drinking. The body of a more massive person contains large quantity water. Therefore, with the same dose of alcohol, the percentage of alcohol content will be higher for someone who weighs less.

Is it possible to speed up the process of removing alcohol from the body? Only time really influences a person’s sobering up. The body is freed from alcohol through its oxidation and subsequent elimination. The liver removes about 90% of alcohol. A small amount of alcohol is excreted through the lungs, sweat glands, and kidneys. Alcohol takes time to oxidize. Therefore, none of the methods such as a cold shower, a walk in the fresh air, or a cup of black coffee speeds up the process of removing alcohol from the body.

When can you drive? If you have been drinking, you will have to wait a while to drive. The table will tell you how long to wait. 4, which contains average data on the time it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body. Please note that a bad mood (or condition) can increase the indicated values ​​by almost 2 times. Therefore, just in case, give yourself a few extra hours in reserve.

Table 4

And one more vital important question. What signs can be used to identify a drunk driver driving in traffic flow close to you? We invite you to study the table. 5.

Table 5

Degree of intoxication


Severely exceeds the speed limit. Frequently changes lanes unnecessarily. Often overtakes. Moves in a zigzag pattern. Turns on turn signals late.
Drives through yellow and red traffic lights. Stops at green signal. The start of the movement is abrupt, the engine turns off when starting off. Driving unreasonably slowly, often near a curb.
Drives onto a curb or sidewalk. Turns out of the wrong lane. Driving out or driving in the oncoming lane. When stopping at a traffic light, he enters the intersection. Does not give warning signals.

Try to stay away from such a driver and do not repeat his mistakes.

Beware of fatigue

If you are well rested before the trip, the first signs of fatigue may appear after about 4 hours of continuous movement. After 8 hours, the quality of driving deteriorates sharply: unnecessary movements appear, the speed becomes uneven, objects begin to seem located further than they really are. Perhaps your critical hour comes a little earlier or later. But you still shouldn’t try to get, for example, from Moscow to Leningrad without rest. You can determine the degree of fatigue using the table. 6, developed by Estonian specialists.

Table 6

Mild fatigue can be relieved by a little rest, washing, bathing, warming up, and drinking strong tea. For moderate and severe fatigue, all this is useless; only sleep helps. If you must drive despite being tired, drive at a slower speed than usual and for a longer distance. When you drive on the highway for a long time and the situation around you is monotonous, change the speed every 15-20 minutes, do not look at one point, move your gaze more often, open the window. This will give you the opportunity not to get used to the speed and remain active.

And now a few more (albeit truisms) truths, the implementation of which will allow you to avoid accidents associated with fatigue:

sleep at least 7 hours before the trip; do not take sedatives; do not try to drive 500-600 km at once; If you can, avoid overnight trips; if you smoke in a car, ventilate the interior more often; Don't overeat before the road.

Emotions: good and bad

The most dangerous for the driver are any strong emotions (positive and negative) that he cannot control. You can drive a car only by learning to manage your emotions. Negative emotions can cause despondency, positive ones can cause overexcitement. Both contribute to the occurrence of incidents. Study of events preceding 40 road accidents with fatal, conducted by American experts, showed that 31 out of 40 dead drivers experienced emotional stress shortly before their death: a family quarrel, a conflict at work, news of the death of a loved one, etc.

It is impossible to completely eliminate stressful situations, but it is in your power not to succumb to their harmful influence. To do this, you need to master the techniques of self-regulation and auto-training. We offer several simple but quite effective techniques that allow you to raise your tone during short-term stops.

Who yawns more? Raise both arms up, stretch and yawn with pleasure. Put your hands down. Then pick them up again and yawn. And so on for at least eight full yawns.

Let's make faces. Imagine that you want to imitate a monkey. The more different faces you can make, the better. This is an excellent relaxing and toning massage.

Acupressure. Massage your cheekbones in a circular motion thumb and forefinger. If you feel pain when pressing, then this is a sign of exhaustion of the nervous system, and you need a good rest.

Increase your attentiveness. This can be done by observing bright, preferably yellow or red, objects, listening to fast and rhythmic music, or sucking sour candy.

If you are overexcited and feel unconscious anxiety, look at your surroundings, the sky, clouds, breathe calmly, deeply, evenly, turn on melodic major music, relax the muscles of your face, neck, and shoulder girdle with a mental command.

Never drive before you have peace of mind.

Don't overuse medications.

Most medications you take for headaches, colds, allergies, or for relaxation can make you drowsy.

Tonic tablets, while improving your condition for a while, can subsequently lead to nervousness, dizziness, inability to concentrate, and blurred vision.

Medicines should not be taken with alcohol. The result can be the saddest.

You can smoke while driving, but it is better not to do it. Everyone knows that smoking is harmful. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to a few recommendations for those who, knowing about the dangers of smoking, still continue to smoke:

1. When you go on a trip, put your cigarettes in a place where they can be easily retrieved.
2. Check that the cigarette lighter is working properly. If it doesn't work, take a lighter rather than matches.
3. Avoid synthetic fabric covers.
4. Do not light a cigarette when moving through difficult areas and do not use a lighter (match) at night.
5. Hold the cigarette tightly and don't let it fall.
6. Extinguish cigarette butts only in an ashtray, do not throw them out the window.

Learn from other people's mistakes

To become a great driver, you need to study. This applies not only to those who do not yet know how to drive a car at all or have only recently begun to do so, but also to those whose driving experience is expressed in a double-digit figure.

According to statistics, more than half of all accidents occur among drivers with less than 3 years of experience. The second peak in accident rates is observed among those who have 4-5 years of experience. Accidents with particularly serious consequences are mainly committed by drivers with more than 10 years of experience.

Yes, as you can see, everyone needs to learn. “But when?” - you ask. “When it’s more convenient for you, but it’s better all the time.” - "Where?" - “Wherever possible.” - "How?" This will be discussed in subsequent lessons. According to research, a driver who learns only from his own mistakes gains required experience, having traveled at least 100 thousand km. When learning from others' mistakes high level mastery is formed much earlier. Of course, you cannot avoid your mistakes in this case, but in terms of the number and severity of the consequences they will be disproportionately lower.

Numerous studies show that usually the causes of accidents are not all mistakes made by drivers, but only some, they can be called typical. Which ones are most relevant to you depends on how much driving you've done on your own, as well as some other characteristics you have.

What is your experience? If, moving in reverse and turning the steering wheel, for example, to the left, you are not very sure that the car will go in the same direction, you can definitely say that you started driving quite recently. The most pleasant, but also difficult time begins for you. The stormy joy of first successes gives way to the inconsolable sadness of failures. Everything is interesting and unusually new. A car gives you a chance to experience a second childhood, but now as a driver’s. Unfortunately, the road is not forgiving of pranks, and a car is not such a harmless toy. Therefore, you will have to work hard to master the skill of driving.

If your speedometer already shows more than 5 thousand, but less than 25 thousand km, then the reasons for the mistakes you make are primarily related to insufficient level knowledge and skills. So far you have only mastered the basic skills of driving a car. You can already move quite calmly in a car without anyone’s help, but you still have a poor sense of the dangers that arise on the road, and you don’t know very well where and when to expect them. Finding yourself in a critical situation can be fatal for you, since the skills required to overcome such situations are in their infancy.

Our advice:

  1. Pay attention to whether you perform various driving operations correctly. Make sure that your wrong actions do not turn into a dangerous habit, which is then much more difficult to eliminate than it is now.
  2. Try to drive your car all the time; This will allow you to quickly and better consolidate the correct skills.
  3. And in the initial period, follow the rule of three NOTs: do not make long trips; do not abuse driving in difficult conditions (at night, in heavy traffic, in heavy rain, ice); Do not use the car when you are in a hurry or in a bad mood.

The main reason for the troubles that can happen to you in the range between 25 and 60 thousand kilometers is that a big difference between how you perceive your skill to be and what it actually is. There is no question of the previous uncertainty; you are already on familiar terms with the car. It seems that you know and can do everything. But is it? Numerous experiments conducted using special tests show that in reality the skill of the majority of drivers in this category (especially those with 2 to 6 years of experience) is almost several times worse than they imagine. At the same time, it has been experimentally confirmed that the higher the self-esteem of skill, the higher the speed of movement, the more dangerous maneuvers. This is where the danger lies. By creating unjustified difficulties for himself and others, a driver who overestimates himself is helpless; he will not be able to cope with them: mastery is not yet the same. Unfortunately, few people manage to avoid these dangerous illusions. That's why general advice like this: always be vigilant and careful; don't drive; don't be distracted from the road; overtake less often; beginning complex maneuver, increase your attention. And most importantly, improve your skills, bringing reality closer to what you want. Our lessons will help you with this.

If you are young

You are not yet 22 years old. A wonderful age. It seems that everything is possible and nothing is impossible. Excellent vision, minimal reaction time. But why are accident statistics not so optimistic?

Young drivers under 20 years of age are 10 times more likely to be involved in accidents than middle-aged drivers. We don't want to upset you, but this is not an accident.

What qualities, according to sociologists, are most characteristic of young people? Carelessness, disregard for any norms and rules, impulsiveness, desire for speed and risk, desire to be the first in everything.

These same qualities are most often cited in traffic safety studies as causes of accidents involving young drivers.

Therefore it would be good:

  • more responsibility and not only for yourself, but also for others;
  • quickly understand that without following the Rules traffic coordinated actions of all participants, and therefore their safety, are impossible;
  • think first and then act, and not vice versa;
  • get pleasure not from fast, but from competent driving;
  • take into account not only your own, but also other people's interests.

If you are over 50

I have a lot of life experience behind me, including driving. Yes, experience is a great thing. But unfortunately, even he is not able to compensate for some psychophysiological changes. We hope your health is good. You are cheerful and feel like a 30-year-old. However, as studies show, after 50 years, few people manage to avoid increased fluctuations in blood pressure, increased reaction time, decreased visual acuity (especially at night) and some other changes. This does not mean that you can’t get behind the wheel. Many people ride successfully into old age. But at the same time, they take into account their age and adapt their driving style to it.

  • do not let yourself be drawn into situations that require quick action;
  • Pay close attention to changing traffic lights; change lanes or traffic flows as little as possible;
  • avoid areas with complex and unusual traffic organization;
  • Avoid driving in heavy traffic moving at high speed.
In preparing this article, materials from the site were used www.kabriolet.ru

Almost all areas of activity modern humanity inextricably linked with vehicles: personal or business passenger cars, buses, trucks etc. Therefore, we can safely say that the driver’s profession today is perhaps the most widespread and in demand.

Almost all spheres of activity of modern humanity are inextricably linked with vehicles: personal or business cars, buses, trucks, etc. Therefore we can safely say that driver's profession Today it is perhaps the most common and in demand.

Moreover, today every car owner not only considers himself a professional driver, but is also confident that he can easily use his driving skills to work in the field of personal, passenger or freight transport. Is this true or is this true? Most likely not, since the profession of a driver is not only the ability to drive a vehicle, but also whole line nuances that we will talk about today.

Who is the driver?

– a specialist who has the skills to drive a vehicle and transport passengers or goods on professional basis. It is also customary to call a driver a driving instructor (that is, a person who teaches driving while directly in the vehicle).

The first drivers were called chauffeurs (from the French “chauffeur” - stoker, stoker), since they had to not only drive the vehicle, but also constantly monitor the fuel (and this was firewood and coal). In the process of improving cars, the responsibilities of the driver also changed, as a result of which a driver appeared - a person who drives. By the way, in the everyday life of Russians, both profession names are quite common. A driver is usually called a person who drives vehicles at a professional level, and drivers are treated as professionals drivers, and car owners.

Today, professional drivers can be divided into several categories, which include:

  • personal (personal) driver – is engaged in transporting a certain person primarily in the employer’s vehicle.
  • Forwarding driver - not only transports goods (cargo), but is also responsible for its delivery from one place to another.
  • taxi driver - specializes in passenger transportation according to customers' requirement.
  • driver public transport- this category includes both bus drivers and minibus taxis, and drivers of trams and trolleybuses.
  • driver truck– transports goods to short distances(usually within a city or region).
  • truck driver– a heavy-duty vehicle driver who transports cargo over long distances.

Each category has its own requirements, dictated by the specifics of the activity. For example, a fuel truck driver must have a transportation permit dangerous goods, and the driver of public transport is required to have a category “D” license.

In professional duties modern driver, in addition to driving the vehicle, includes: checking the serviceability of the vehicle and its Maintenance(washing, refueling, lubrication, etc.), elimination minor faults on the road and regular inspections.

What personal qualities should a driver have?

Driver job is invariably associated with the most severe concentration of attention, good memory, excellent reaction and a developed spatial and linear eye. It is these qualities that allow the driver not only to fulfill his professional duties, but also to ensure road safety. In addition, a good driver must have such personal qualities, How:

  • technical thinking;
  • love of technology;
  • analytic skills;
  • mental endurance;
  • emotional stability;
  • responsibility;
  • patience;
  • delicacy;
  • ability to navigate the terrain;
  • self-control;
  • communication skills.

Despite the fact that the driver spends almost all his time in a soft and comfortable seat, he, among other things, must have physical endurance. This is especially important for truckers who have to deal with the most unexpected and sometimes extreme situations.

Advantages of being a driver

Professional drivers(drivers) are sure that there are no random people in their profession. Therefore, the main advantage of this profession is considered to be the opportunity to work according to one’s vocation. It is also worth noting that working as a driver has other advantages, namely:

  • demand – good drivers they are needed always and everywhere, so they almost never have problems finding employment;
  • high earnings - on average, a driver in Russia receives from 30 thousand rubles (in major cities, wage drivers “start” from 50 thousand rubles).
  • prestige - a driver is perhaps the only working profession that is no less prestigious than the profession of a lawyer or economist.
  • absence of boredom and monotony - the driver’s work involves constant movement from one place to another, so there is always a novelty of sensations.

Disadvantages of being a driver

It’s not difficult to guess that, like in any other profession, in work as a driver There are also disadvantages. These include:

  • irregular work schedule;
  • a high probability of stressful situations occurring (for example, during heavy traffic);
  • dependence of working conditions on weather phenomena;
  • passive lifestyle.

Where can you become a driver?

In theory become a professional driver Every adult who has completed a training course at any driving school and received a license from the traffic police can do so. In practice, it is very difficult to find a job immediately after studying at a driving school and without having some driving experience. Having a technical (which is highly valued among employers) or specialized education can “save the situation.” Moreover, when we talk about specialized education, we mean specialized secondary education (that is, received at a technical school). Why? Because in this profession, practical skills are valued first of all, and only then theoretical knowledge.

Get a driver's job possible at one of the relevant technical schools. For example, the place of training for this profession could be:

  • Nizhny Novgorod Motor Transport College;
  • Novosibirsk Technical School of Automotive Service and Road Maintenance;
  • Khabarovsk Road Construction College;
  • Krasnoyarsk Motor Transport College;
  • Moscow Automobile and Highway College named after. A.A. Nikolaev.
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What qualities should you have? family driver?

Business people sooner or later they come to the understanding that it is more profitable for them to hire a driver than to waste time and energy on driving themselves. During the road it is much more pleasant to relax on comfortable rear seats car executive class than turning the steering wheel and closely monitoring the traffic situation. They come to the conclusion that they need to hire a driver from whom little is required - responsibility.

People trust their personal driver with the most valuable thing - their own life, the lives of their children and loved ones, so their choice should be treated with due attention. The driver takes the children to classes, meets relatives who have come to visit from afar, takes the whole family to Vacation home. Every family that values ​​time needs a reliable family driver!

As a rule, businessmen do not search for personnel, including drivers, on their own. They prefer to entrust interviews and selection of candidates to special agencies. The family chauffeur transports family members in various directions, while simultaneously playing the role of tutor. He has to find a common language with children. Also, he will need minimal business skills to carry out small orders for purchasing the necessary goods for the store.

Agencies select personnel taking into account the personal qualities of the employee. Recruitment agencies often help assess the level of qualifications, dividing all candidates into categories A, B, C. This gradation does not apply to the category of driver's license.

They include novice drivers in class C; to B - drivers with at least 5 years of experience and experience driving VIP foreign cars, excellent knowledge of the road map, detours, skills minor repairs auto; class A - experienced drivers with over 15 years of driving experience, skills extreme driving, they can partially perform the tasks of a bodyguard and have a license to carry weapons.

In addition to professionalism, they play important role personal qualities, character traits that affect safety and reliability. He must pay full attention to the road for the safety of passengers, optimal solution - average age. Professional driver knows how to control his own emotions, be balanced, treat the car with care, monitor it technical condition. During an interview, it is impossible to fully determine all the characteristics of a candidate that are important in the selection process. After about a week of work, it becomes clear whether the candidate meets your requirements.